Balance Ball Push-Up Fitness

Balance ball fitness super easy as it targets all major muscles of the body. It requires yoga mat and balance ball and comfortable clothes. Here are the benefits of the balance ball fitness routine:

Contributes to core stability muscles throughout the core are also active when you do a push-up. The rectus abdominis and oblique muscles help to hold the body steady, especially during push-up variations that involve instability (such as on a ball or balance board).

The only thing you really need is a small area and a balance ball.

Improves sports performance push-ups commonly included in exercises to help with rehabilitation, improve proprioception (the awareness of your body’s movement in space), and muscle co-contraction for dynamic joint stability. Research has shown that improved joint stability, especially through the core, is necessary for optimal athletic performance.

Works multiple muscles simultaneously.

Supports healthy aging. Wall push-up can help to maintain or even improve your level of strength as you age. Experts advise that older adults maintain their strength to remain independent and reduce the risk of falls.

May help support bone health. Resistance exercise has been shown to be effective for helping to preserve both bone and muscle mass, especially in post-menopausal women who are at greater risk for osteoporosis. One small-scale study demonstrated that a ten-week resistance training program helped women maintain bone mineral density in the wrist.

Balance Ball Coolest Fitness Routine!

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