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Super Action Squirrels

Nature Narrator: …in the trees and forest of the canopy dwellings in the air…we spot this squirrel…apparently with a tiny basketball…

Tourists:…that’s a peanut…

Photographer:…its a raisin…<click>…

Park Ranger:…its a piece of gum…

Squirrel:…its me basketball…just won the big b-ball in a cup challenge…


Tourists:…oh look…more squirrels with basketballs…<click>…

Photographer…im the clicker around here…unclick that click…

Squirrels:…they clicking at us again…



Tour Guide:…ok folks…here we have a branch that looks like a squirrel…take some nature pics forest people…

Biologist:…according to my ABC book of nature…this is a squirrel posing for picture time…

Nature narrator:…on the tree branches in the forest we spot this yoga squirrel…

Squirrel:…ya me yoga squirrel…


Tourists:…look…squirrel sniffing treats…take a picture party people…

Tour Guide:…ok folks…here we spot a squirrel sniffing treats…

Nature narrator:..actually its my line…in the forests and valleys and mountains…we spot this squirrel…apparently sniffing for treats…

Squirrel: …me posing for me picture time…adventure people…


Super cool squirrels!

*Fun commentary provided by me, Vas.

One thought on “Super Action Squirrels

  • Gratitude echoes through your words, creating a harmonious symphony of positivity. Thank you for the beautiful music!


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