Magic Fitness Plank

Fitness Balance Board

The fit is a fitness balance board designed to give you a totally unique and fun workout. With three different, interchangeable bases to put underneath the board, there is always something new to try. Build balance, core strength, and coordination right in the living room while watching television or following the provided exercise guide. Features a durasoft foam grip, a three-in-one balance training system, and bombproof construction.

Balance Board Workout with RevBalance Fitness - YouTube

Benefits of Planks

  1. Convenient – Plank exercises can be at home or at a gym.
  2. Flexibility – Plank exercises increase flexibility in the posterior muscle groups throughout your body.
  3. Aesthetic – Plank exercises can improve appearance by activating core muscles which stabilizes your spine and hips improving posture.
  1. Brain – Plank exercises can improve concentration benefits that improve your mood. Plank exercises stretch muscles that commonly stiffen throughout the day and contribute to stress.
  2. Strength – Plank exercises help strengthen the midsection, upper-body and lower-body  muscles along the front of your body.

The benefit of joining the challenge is that it’s a simple and fun way to target abs without doing crunches.

Planks are super cool fitness!

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