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Party Panda’s

This is Poopsy the party Panda…he’s all feets in the air chillaxin’ in the grass waiting for his Amazon delivery, lol.

This is Trixy and Tipsy. They are not snow pandas like one might think…instead they are just two regular Pandas in the snow, lol.

This is Pepsi the curious Panda. Pepsi was feeling peppy for some peeping at Penelope the Panda. lol.

This is Rolly and Polly. They are not grass Pandas like one might think…instead they the first to arrive at the Panda Party. lol

Apparently two Panda’s do fit in a tree at one time, hows about that, lol

Cani chow-chow truccati da panda: blitz della Forestale al circo Orfei -

Ummm, lol

The bamboo flute playing Panda Bear…now in concert, lol

The twig playing party Panda bear will perform at birthdays and weddings, lol

This is one of those aqua Panda’s everyone is talking about…how majestic wow, lol

This is Fluffy the poofy Panda…notice the grin and poofy ears…legend has it…he’s still in the tree with his grin and poofy hair-do, lol.

Comments courtesy of me – Vass

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