Party Penguins

Puffy Penguin: Did you bring my puffy hat its getting chilly
Other Penguin: I would love a bowl of juicy chili

Penguin: The McSlurpy Shack is down that way.
Eskimo: Okay

Penguin squad: Look super puffy everyone…we gonna be on Penguin Magazine today!…
Photographer: Ya’ll know where I can find the McSlurpy Shack around here?

Flying Penguin: I’ll take a McSlurpy…yeeehaaww!
Photographer: Them there is a flyin’ penguin everyone talking about…majestic!

Ummm, lol.

Penguin: You gonna ask me where the McSlurphy Shack is right…
Penguin gang: Lets do a grand majestic river jump like Puffy…weee
Photographer: Coolest penguin migration to the McSlurpy Shack ever!

Flying Penguin: See…thats how u do a double backflip aqua jump.
Other penguin: I was just asking where you got your hair cut.

Penguin Gang: That’s right take a photo, we majestic, we gangsta, we getting a McSlurpie today!

Nature Narrator: …and these are the two kissing sunset penguins…perfect!
Penguins are super fun!
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