Super Cool Lions

Lion: Howdy everyone…I’m whiskers the totally cool tiger just look at me stripes on me legs.

Lion: Howdy, I’m upside down lion, notice me snout on me head.

Ummm, lol

Wildlife Tour Guide: This is Giggles the laughing lion…she’s just reacting to boo boo the joke telling monkey
Lion: Or the doggy with a lion wig on

Lion: Hola, I’m Majestico…most majestic lion in the forest, just look at me hair and even more hair.

Lion: Actually, I am Romantico super majestic lion in the world, just look at me feet and hair.

Wildlife Tour Guide: …apparently these two lions know that joke telling monkey in the forest
Lions: or Romantico Majestico

Wildlife Tour Guide: Ok folks…this is the flying lion everyone has been talking about…notice how she just floats above water
Tourists: Coool

Lion: I also doing floating in the air challenge…I feel romantico majestico weee

Lion: Who floating where…where’s the platter of treats we ordered…can we talk to the manager
Server: Sir, sir, sir…

Lionness: Platter of treats spotted…
Tourists: Look at that lionness looking at us like a platter of treats

Wildlife Tour Guide: …and these are our sunset lions cuddling…
Tourists: Awww…sweeet
Lions are super awesome!
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