Super Cool Yoga Pose Fitness

Top 3 health benefits of doing Chakrasana (wheel pose) every day!

This yoga pose is called the wheel pose and it mimics a wheel kinda. As with any yoga pose, it takes practice to achieve all the poses. Yoga helps with the muscles becoming more stronger for longer range of motion.

Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.

Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength.

Tree Pose
Balance on one foot, while holding the other foot to your calf or above the knee (but never on the knee) at a right angle. Try to focus on one spot in front of you, while you balance for one minute. 

Yoga helps strengthen the back

Yoga is as good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain. The American College of Physicians recommends yoga as a first-line treatment for chronic low back pain.

Yoga benefits heart health.

Regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress and body-wide inflammation, contributing to healthier hearts. Several of the factors contributing to heart disease, including high blood pressure and weight, can also be addressed through yoga.

Super fun yoga poses help stay strong and fit

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