Super Stretch Yoga Pose
Stretching in yoga is super fitness beneficial because every stretch has a positive affect on the body. Here are cool benefits from doing this yoga pose.
Yoga Stretch Benefits
- Flexes the hips, knees and ankles: As Ashta Chandrasana requires placing the feet wide apart which is more than hip distance, the knee and the ankle act as the root for the balance in this pose. Hence the knees and the ankles are flexed thus improving the posture. The flexing of the hips acts as the base of the pose, and here flexing of the hips brings in more advantages, not only to balance this posture, but has its own share of physical benefits.
- Improves the joints while flexing them: The flexing of the knees, ankles, hips, shoulders, elbow, entire spine and neck helps to keep them strong while the muscles around these joints become strong with contraction while in Ashta Chandrasana.
- Tones the entire body with the deep stretch: The expansion and extension of the thighs, hips, shoulders, arms and neck in this pose, works on burning the excess fat and keeps these muscles toned while adding a great toned look to the body.
- With awareness of the body and the breath, this pose builds confidence with power: As Ashta Chandrasana is a preparatory pose before the practice of Warrior I Pose, this pose helps to bring in perfect awareness, building stability and stamina to gain better self confidence.
- Flexibility of the body improves: With the deep stretch of the entire body there is a progress towards a flexible body which in turn helps in practicing of various other advance level poses.
- Acts in a therapeutic way for ailments like asthma, sciatica and insomnia: The expansion of the diaphragm that improves the respiratory system helps with asthma patients. The flexing of the hips and the entire leg works from the base of the spine, creating better movement of the nerve including the sciatic nerve. The building of stamina and stability with awareness of the body, brings in fresh energy within the body to help reduce symptoms related to insomnia.
- Improves functioning of internal organs: With the muscles being activated, including the abdominal muscles, the digestive system and the reproductive system improve in their functions, thus reducing indigestion and problems related to the reproductive system.
- Reduces the stiffness around the shoulders and neck: With the deep stretch of the arms above your head in this pose, helps the shoulders and the neck get their equal share of stretch thus reducing any stiffness. This reduction of stiffness also improves the energy levels of the body, thus making the body feel completely light and making them strong for the practice of next level poses.
High lunge pose super stretch fitness!