Balance Ball Fitness

Balance ball fitness super fun and works to strengthen muscles in lots of ways. Here are popular fitness routines with the balance ball. The above routine is ab strengthening which also affects the legs strengthening.

Healthy Core Stability

There’s a reason why the Swiss ball is also called a gym ball, Pilates ball or yoga ball. Maintaining core strength is extremely important, as these are the muscles in your body that stabilise and support all your movements.

The three muscle groups in your midsection are:

  • Deep abdominal muscles (Transverse Abdominus)
  • Back muscles that support the lumbar spine (Tultifidus)
  • Lower back muscles that maintain spinal and pelvic balance (Quadratus Lumborum)

Training with an exercise ball, whether during Pilates, yoga or simple stretching exercises, is an excellent way to work this group of hard-to-reach, deep muscles.

Healthy Posture

The wonderful side effect of strengthening your core and ensuring muscle balance is having a healthy posture. Regularly exercising with the ball helps you maintain the natural curve of your spine, which helps you to keep from arching your back and protect the spine.

Our next product helps users to establish brilliant posture through realignment of the spine, and is ideal as an alternative to a chair for proper spinal alignment.

Healthy Balance

Muscles need to work together to perform certain tasks, which is why muscle imbalance can lead to bad posture, pain and a multitude of injuries. A common imbalance occurs between anterior (front) and posterior (back) muscles, partially due to natural everyday activities that engage your front more than your back, but partially also because people tend to train their abs and neglect their back.

This is often the main cause of lower back pain and discomfort. Ball exercises engage your whole core, as the ball supports the lower back and other posterior muscles during training.

Leggings and Top

Stability Balls Super Cool fitness!

2 thoughts on “Balance Ball Fitness

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