Tree Pose Yoga Fitness

Tree pose in Yoga is just keeping the body centered with one leg up, foot on opposite leg and hands to the center. It sharpens balance and helps with lots of fitness routines. Here is a cool way to do Tree pose in Yoga.

  1. Stand in Mountain Pose. Spread your toes, press your feet into the mat and firm your leg muscles. Raise your front hip points toward your lower ribs to gently lift in your lower belly.
  2. Inhale deeply, lifting your chest, and exhale as you draw your shoulder blades down your back. Look straight ahead at a steady gazing spot.
  3. Place your hands on your hips and raise your right foot high onto your left thigh or shin.
  4. Press your right foot and left leg into each other.
  5. Check that your pelvis is level and squared to the front.
  6. When you feel steady, place your hands into prayer form at the heart or stretch your arms overhead like branches reaching into the sun.
  7. Hold for several breaths, then step back into Mountain Pose and repeat on the other side.
  8. Mountain Pose is feet flat on the ground and hands to the side.

Cool tips

  • Practice Tree Pose while standing a few inches from a wall on your straight-leg side. Even if you don’t touch the wall, the proximity of it helps you feel you won’t fall out of the pose. But if you wobble, you can simply reach out a hand and rebalance yourself.
  • To avoid falling out of Tree Pose, you need to explore and understand your hip-opening capacity. If your hips aren’t naturally open and you force the lifted knee to point straight out to the side, your entire pelvis will twist in that direction, pulling you out of alignment. Your hips should be level and facing forward, even if it means your knee is not rotated out as far.
  • When you reach up, keep the arms aligned with the ears. Taking your hands too far back may shift your center of gravity and cause you to fall backward.
  • Lean into the metaphor of the Tree, embodying the roots below, the strong trunk, and the full flowering of your upward reach.

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