Cool Fun Tigers

Tiger: Im the coolest tiger on a boulder looking fantastico!…just look at me tail and perfect form…
Photographer: Coolest tiger on a boulder looking most fantastico ever!

Tiger: Actually…Im coolest tiger…see me snout and long whiskers…they call me stripes cool kat from the west…

Tiger: Yeah…yeah…cool tiger blah blah…u guys see any pizza delivery around here…I ordered a medium…where’s my pizza!

Aqua Tiger: I did not eat your pizza with extra chicken and pineapple…nope not me… <burp>

Tiger: Pretend to sleep…then that way we for sure gonna be on Majestic Tiger TV tonight ok…ok…ok…u sleeping fo real?

Tree Tiger: Whooo is taking my picture? I’m waiting up in this tree totally majestic…some body gonna take my picture!
Photographer: Look at that majestic tree! Hey zebra kat!…can you slide to the side…wanna capture this majestic tree for my tree magazine.
Ummm, lol.

Tiger: I smell pizza! Who keeps delivering pizza to the forest? I wants me some forest pizza…like yesterday!

Tiger: Just sling shot the pizza in me mouth…
Zoo keeper: All we have is ice cream

Tiger: Im not drinking my own bath water, silly
Wildlife Tour Guide: …and here we see a tiger apparently drinking its own bath water…take some pics folks!
Fun captions provided by me, Vass!
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