Super Cool Yoga : Tree Pose

Yoga is super fun because it makes the body strong by stretching muscles and strengthening bones. Performing weight bearing fitness routines helps build a stronger body. Yoga is great for building strength. Building strength means building muscle and that contributes to weight loss and more power in the body. Since yoga has so many poses, I’m going to focus on this pose, known as tree pose.

Tree pose, is a standing pose in yoga that requires balance and coordination. This involves tucking one leg into the other while your hands are in a prayer position above your head, resembling a tree. This pose can improve balance, stability, and strengthen your core.

Benefits of Tree Pose

  1. Stretches your feet. Tree pose can help stretch and strengthen the ligaments and tendons in your feet.
  2. Improves balance. Tree pose requires proper weight distribution and posture, which can help provide stability to your groin, thighs, hips, and pelvis.
  3. Strengthens your core. Balancing your total weight on one leg requires active engagement in your core, which can help strengthen it in time and provide increased steadiness.

How to Do Tree Pose

Tree pose is a beginner position that requires coordination and balance.

  1. Tree pose often starts from standing position or mountain pose in yoga. with both feet planted firmly on the ground and your weight adequately distributed so that you are balanced. 
  1.  Bend one leg at the knee. Choose the leg you are going to fold in first. If your left leg is your standing leg, keep your left foot planted on the ground, and slowly bend in your right leg at the right knee so that the sole of your right foot rests against your left inner thigh (known as the half-lotus position in Bikram yoga). Point the knee of your bent leg outward, away from your body.
  2. Lengthen your body. Clasp your hands together and raise your arms above your head. In this form, your head, shoulders, pelvis, and left foot should align vertically. The top of your torso should lift slightly, with your tailbone extending towards the ground.
  3.  Hold and repeat. Hold the pose for as long as necessary, making sure to breathe properly. When you’re ready to use the other leg, just begin in standing pose.

Chakra Ayurvedic Yoga Mat

Tree pose is super fun!

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