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Super Fun Forest Lemur

Nature Guide: …Ok folks here we have a squirrel cat posing super majestic for photo time…takes some action pics forest people…

Photographer:…oh cool <click> <click><click>…

Tourists: …super cool cat…<click>…

Lemur:…u can take more clicks than that forest people…


Photographer: …ok now lift the right leg in the air for photo time…

Lemur: …how about u lift your foot in the air and me take your photo time…


Forest Tour Guide:…and to our left we see a group of squirrel cats taking a siesta on a tree…take some pics party people…

Park Rangers: …I think those are tiny kangaroos…

Biologist: …according to my forest book on forest animals…these are called wild cats of the forest…

Country Campers: …them there are watcha call Lemurs…yep…them is Lemurs…

Tourists:…what he say…

Lemurs: …is this the bus to the pop tart factory…


Movie announcer: …on a cool day in the forest…with an eye for tree snacks…its Parkour Squirrel Cat in action…

Tour Guide: …Ok folks…here is a flying tree monkey super majestic take some super action movie pics of this majestic flying monkey cat…

Movie announcer: …um those are my lines…

Lemur: …what movie is this…


Nature narrator:…in the sands and valley of the forest in the jungle we find this floating tree squirrel cat…

Tourists:…that’s a Lemur…

Photographer: …yup that’s a floating Lemur I read about hose in the news…they float everywhere…

Lemur:…ya me floating to the pop tart factory…


Super cool party Lemurs!

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