Super Fitness Technology

Each Tonal program is crafted with a specific program, this method of hypertrophy (muscle growth), increased strength and power, shifts in body composition (more lean muscle and less body fat), improved movement patterns, or better endurance is the target for tonal.

When Tonal’s coaches, who are all certified personal trainers, create these workouts in collaboration with a team of renowned fitness programming experts, they draw on tried and tested training protocols that have been proven to support these goals. By altering rep schemes, rest periods, exercise order, and exercise selection, coaches are able to design different resistance training workouts around specific outcomes. 

In addition to fine-tuning each set within a workout, Tonal’s coaches and programming experts make sure the workouts in a program link together like rungs on a ladder to drive toward a goal.

You can rely that each program is informed by the scientific principles of exercise and backed by the latest research.

Super epic fitness gadget!

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