Super Yoga Fitness

Yoga is super fun and its cool because of the many poses that help strengthen different parts of the body. From super easy poses like tree pose to more complex poses like this one, yoga has a cool pose for fun fitness. This pose is called Sirsasana also know as a headstand balancing the core of the body. Here are the benefits of this cool yoga pose.

Core Strengthening

A headstand can be one of the best workouts. When performing this pose, one completely relies on core muscles  to hold up legs, and maintain balance.

Reduces fluid buildup from legs

Swelling on your legs can happen because of several reasons such as infections, inflammation, or because you were putting pressure on your legs for far too long. So, by going upside down while doing a headstand, any kind of buildup gets flushed out from your body.

Strengthens shoulders and arms

While you are holding yourself up during a headstand, your arms and shoulders help to keep the pressure off from your head, and in turn, they get strengthened. This is also a great posture if you are looking to build upper body strength.

Improves digestion

Doing headstands allows enhanced blood flow to all the digestive organs, and increases the efficiency of nutrient absorption and digestion. Moreover, the pituitary organ which regulates digestion is also activated.

Healthy hair and scalp

With increased blood flowing to your head and scalp, the nutrient and oxygen flow to the hair follicles also increases.

Benefits eyesight

Just like how your scalp gets the benefit, when you flip over your head, eyes also receive extra oxygen and nutrient-rich blood, which helps the sensory organs to work properly.

Yoga for fitness super cool

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