Super Horsie
Farmer: …this here is ma prize horsie…Betsy…take a pic farm people…
Tour Guide: …that’s my line…ok…take a pic farm people…ahhh…
Betsy: …i needs a hair do…
Majestic horse: …just trotting along…looking majestic…
Tourists: ….oh loook…a majestic horsie…<click>…
Farmer: …that’s ma majestic horse…Betty…she’s ma money maker…
Tour Guide:…how much money we talkin’…
Farmer: …this here is ma famous horse…BooBa…she’s in commercials…
BooBa: …ya me majestic horsie…see me majestic feet…
Tour Guide: …can i ride horsie to Taco Barn down the street and back…
Horsie: …and I am majestico…super stallion in the forest…
Tourists:…do something majestic and I take your pic…
Horsie: …i’m doing…see me standing super majestic…take me pic lady…
Tourists: …hmmm…lemme think about it…
Horsie: …lady…u gonna take ma pic or me file a complaint…
Complaint dept.:…name?…
Poodle: …me faster than any majestico betty hoop booba dooba dookie horsie…
Farmer: …ummm…
Dooba Horsie: …me ready for me picture time…take me epic pics…
Photographer: …cool…these are me money making pics…
Tour Guide: …again with the money…how much money…i want in…how do i gets me a horsie…
Farmer: …u gonna need a stable…and a groomer…then there’s food…then vet visits…then a horse shoe guy…then…
Tour Guide: …what about the horse…
Farmer: …oh yeah…u gonna need a horse…
Horsie: …this soup is delicious…
Middle horsie: …ya
Tour Guide: …look at their little wiggly ears…
Majestic horsie: …I have arrived…it is me…super majestic power horse…
Tour Guide: …ok…u my horsie…lets go make money…
Tourists: …how u gonna make money with the horsie…
Tour Guide: …who wanna ride horsie…i take visa, MasterCard…
Photographer: …he needs to be wearing a hat…
Farmer: …hey ya..and a bell…somebody get a bell…
Delivery Gal: …he can help me make deliveries…come on horsie…
Park Ranger: …what in the world is going on up in here…
Clydesdale Horses are super Majestic!
*Funny commentary by me, Vas.