Super Reindeer
Arctic Tour Guide: Ok folks…and here we have some furry deer in the snow…notice how that deer is looking at that deer looking at us…take some pics snow people…
Photographer: <click> <click><click>
Biologist:…according to my encyclopedia on arctic animals…these are snow sheep…
Deer:…we a what now…
Snow sheep: ….there’s that group of people in the truck taking pictures of us again…
Photographer:…Look everyone…there’s that group of snow sheep looking at us again…
Tourists:…oh are these the horses with horns everyone is talking about?
Horse sheep: …me gonna pose like this…
Arctic Tour Guide:…look a deer posing for a photographer…
Deer:…alright everyone…I dropped the keys to the car around here start searching people…
Deer:…this grass taste delicious….
Tour Guide: ok folks here we have some horses pretending to be sheep looking like deer…take some adventure pics party people…
Horses: …ok you sit there and pose…and me stand here and pose like this…
Photographer:…these deer posing for me…cool <click>
Deer: …Pop tart for a photo time …
Biologist:…according to my book on arctic sea creatures…these land dwelling horses take pop tarts for a photo..
Arctic horse:…we are deer posing for pop tarts
Delivery Gal:…u wanna order some poptarts little horsie…lol
Super majestic snow deer!