Produced since the early 1920s, Vegemite is created from leftover brewers’ yeast extract, a byproduct of beer manufacturing. Producers add various vegetable flavors and spices. The final product is a dark brown spread similar in texture to peanut butter. Vegemite’s flavor is a source of debate.
- 2 slices bread, preferable white
- 1⁄8teaspoon vegemite, more if you are game
- 1⁄2teaspoon butter or 1/2 teaspoon margarine, Generous serve is recommended
- Toast your favourite variety of bread, butter it generously and spread a thin layer of Vegemite on it. (Reminder, this is very flavoursdome stuff so you don’t need to use much at all).
- Other variations include:.
- – vegemite on toast with cheese, then grill to melt.
- – vegemite with cheese and tomato, then grill.
This topping looks like our blackberry jam super yummy!